Health & Wellness
Help with staying active and maintaining wellness including resources for adaptive sports, nutrition and stress management.
New York City, NY Change City
Health & Wellness service list
Local Services (10 Services)
ThermApparel empowers people to take back control of their lives. Our mission is to provide our customers with cooling products that embody dignity and comfort while safely mitigating their risk from heat. We utilize cutting edge science that improves the quality of our customers lives allowing them to be happier and healthier. It's our vision to get people back to life’s small pleasures like backyard bbq’s, graduations, sports, and hobbies. All the things that make life great, because Now You Can.
Health & Wellness
Nationwide Services (41 Services)
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH International)
The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) provides equine-assisted activities and therapy programs through its network of more than 880 member centers.
Health & Wellness
4 of 10 Services. 6 Unmapped.
ThermApparel empowers people to take back control of their lives. Our mission is to provide our customers with cooling products that embody dignity and comfort while safely mitigating their risk from heat. We utilize cutting edge science that improves the quality of our customers lives allowing them to be happier and healthier. It's our vision to get people back to life’s small pleasures like backyard bbq’s, graduations, sports, and hobbies. All the things that make life great, because Now You Can.
Health & Wellness