Workforce Solutions South Plains

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Workforce Solutions South Plains is the leading workforce entity in the region.

About this Program

Workforce Solutions South Plains is responsible for administering State and federal employment and training programs, and envisions a future where the region’s workforce is educated, innovative and highly skilled in areas that match the skill requirements of the region’s employers.

The organization provides comprehensive support for job seekers, including occupational skills training, helping individuals transition from welfare to work through supportive programs, providing unemployment insurance resources, job readiness workshops, career counseling, and a senior community service employment program.

They also have a Child Care Services unit that subsidizes child care for eligible low income families, promoting long-term self-sufficiency by enabling parents to work, or to attend workforce training and educational activities. The program also educates parents about availability of quality child care.

Last, they provide guidance on equal opportunity and work discrimination.


Phone Number


2002 West Loop 289, Suite 117, Lubbock TX 79401