Health & Wellness
Help with staying active and maintaining wellness including resources for adaptive sports, nutrition and stress management.
Boston, MA Change City
Health & Wellness service list
Local Services (10 Services)
CAPEable Adventures
CAPEable Adventure programs are designed to foster independence, self-esteem and create an atmosphere where life’s boundaries can be broken. Being involved in a sport or outdoor activity can be life changing especially when shared with family and friends.
Nationwide Services (41 Services)
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH International)
The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) provides equine-assisted activities and therapy programs through its network of more than 880 member centers.
Health & Wellness
9 of 10 Services. 1 Unmapped.
CAPEable Adventures
CAPEable Adventure programs are designed to foster independence, self-esteem and create an atmosphere where life’s boundaries can be broken. Being involved in a sport or outdoor activity can be life changing especially when shared with family and friends.