ICD had transformed lives through career development for almost 100 years. ICD is a not-for-profit workforce development organization based in New York City. Our mission is to help people transform their lives through career development and employment.
About this Program
People with a wide array of disabilities or other barriers to employment come to ICD for support services. These include evaluation, career exploration, direct skills training, work readiness training, and job placement.
Our teachers, counselors, and job developers all have advanced academic degrees, certifications, and experience to help our clients achieve their goals.
We guide our participants through the process of assessing their career interests, developing an individualized career plan, finding a job training program that is right for them, preparing for, entering, and keeping good jobs. Our dedicated team of teachers and counselors provide support every step of the way, including one-on-one and group counseling, job placement assistance, and job retention supports. We specialize in serving people with barriers to employment. All of ICD's job training programs are licensed by the New York State Education Department.