iHealth Log is a mobile app that allows people to maintain medical records.
About this Program
iHealth Log is a health diary app designed to maintain a complete history of medications and provide quick access to emergency medical information.
iHealth Log is a mobile app that allows people to maintain medical records.
iHealth Log is a health diary app designed to maintain a complete history of medications and provide quick access to emergency medical information.
Meals on Wheels America is the oldest and largest national organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation.
Health & Wellness Nationwide (available online / by phone)
The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, working to connect people with food and end hunger. Donors, staff, and volunteers all play an important role in our efforts to end hunger in the United States.
Health & Wellness Nationwide (available online / by phone)
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization working to improve the health, independence and social integration of people with physical disabilities through sports, fitness and recreation programs.
Health & Wellness San Francisco, CA
Yes, You Can Dance! is proud to offer the MS Ballroom Program through a partnership with the University of Pittsburgh’s Physical Therapy Department in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the MS Society of Western Pennsylvania.
Health & Wellness Pittsburgh, PA
The service is free of charge to the MS community and can connect you to MS support groups, drug assistance programs, financial resources, education, information, counseling, transportation and much more.
Health & Wellness Nationwide (available online / by phone)
CAPEable Adventure programs are designed to foster independence, self-esteem and create an atmosphere where life’s boundaries can be broken. Being involved in a sport or outdoor activity can be life changing especially when shared with family and friends.
Health & Wellness Boston, MA
The Department of Conservation and Recreation's Universal Access Program is dedicated to providing outdoor recreation opportunities in Massachusetts State Parks for visitors of all abilities.
Health & Wellness Boston, MA
The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition (TAASC) is a nonprofit organization located in Columbus, Ohio. Established in 1992, TAASC provides opportunities for veterans, adults, and children with disabilities to participate in adventure sports activities.
Health & Wellness Columbus, OH
Incredible Accessible is a blog that provides informative, authentic and reliable accounts of wheelchair-accessible traveling experiences, as well as travel resources for those with limited mobility.
Health & Wellness Nationwide (available online / by phone)
The Center of Achievement through Adapted Physical Activity has been providing internationally recognized adapted fitness programs for people with disabilities since 1971. The Center brings hope and restoration to people with special needs in a caring and motivating environment.
Health & Wellness Los Angeles, CA
This is for individuals who want to continue a wellness program independently or with the assistance/supervision of a family member or caregiver. You will be educated on safe use of the equipment and appropriate exercises to help you achieve your wellness goals.
Health & Wellness Los Angeles, CA
This unique water exercise program offers individuals of all ability levels a variety of exercise opportunities, including adapted swimming, deep and shallow water aerobic exercise, balance and flexibility, and training options.
Health & Wellness Denver, CO
The Scottsdale Institute for Health and Medicine Inc. Center for Mindfulness offers classes on a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program that may help people to reduce stress in their lives.
Health & Wellness Phoenix, AZ
The Eula C. and Andrew C. Carlos MS Rehabilitation and Wellness Program at Shepherd Center is focused on the rehabilitative treatment and wellness of people diagnosed with MS and related conditions.
Health & Wellness Atlanta, GA
Yoga Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), hosted by the Cleveland Clinic – Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in partnership with Yoga for Life, provides yoga classes for Lou Ruvo Center patients and their caregivers.
Health & Wellness Las Vegas, NV
The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) provides equine-assisted activities and therapy programs through its network of more than 880 member centers.
Health & Wellness Nationwide (available online / by phone)
Hawaii Senior Life Enrichment Association's mission is to enrich the lives of, and promote a spiritually active life for seniors of Hawaii, Japan and worldwide through cultural education, community services, friendship, and recreational activities.
Health & Wellness Hawaii
Special Needs at Sea® is dedicated to fulfilling the special needs requirements for persons who want to travel but may need mobility aides, oxygen or other equipment. We make travel easy, comfortable and accessible. Our trained delivery agents in over 217 metropolitan areas across 70 countries around the globe help us fulfill this mission. We have become the undisputed industry leader in cruise rentals; SNG is referred by the major cruise lines.
Health & Wellness South Florida
ThermApparel empowers people to take back control of their lives. Our mission is to provide our customers with cooling products that embody dignity and comfort while safely mitigating their risk from heat. We utilize cutting edge science that improves the quality of our customers lives allowing them to be happier and healthier. It's our vision to get people back to life’s small pleasures like backyard bbq’s, graduations, sports, and hobbies. All the things that make life great, because Now You Can.
Health & Wellness New York City, NY